Solar Installations

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by Leanbridgeprojects

Solar Installations

Our customers in Sandton tell us that getting a solar installations is one of the most rewarding things they have ever done.

Photovoltaic systems, being a source of green electricity, save carbon dioxide emissions and help stop climate change. You generate your own electricity, becoming more self-sufficient, especially if used alongside battery storage – and that means lower bills.  There is the excitement of owning and operating pioneering new technology, and helping to kick-start positive change in the world.  And now, many people are using their generated electricity to power their electric vehicles

Types of Solar  Installations Sandton

Leanbridge Projects have installed photovoltaic systems for every type of customer and on every roof type.

  • We offer solar panels for your home, and we now have 1000s of happy customers.
  • We’re pioneers of solar installations for community energy schemes. We’ve installed more community energy than any other company in the country.
  • We help promote solar schools, and build them too. More than 10 so far, and counting!
  • We install solar panels for businesses, offering great returns on investment. We’re experts in live retro-fitting, so no interruptions to your operations.

Choosing your solar panel system

We’re here to help you choose the right solar power system for your needs, and then oversee the solar installation.

Solar Panel Installation Sandton Process

Choose Your Solar Panels
We explain the different types of solar panels, and which will be best suited for you.

Choose Your Inverter
The inverter is the brains of your PV system, so it’s important to choose the right option.

Choose Your Mounting
We can install on virtually any type of roof.

Should I get a battery?

We’ve got all you need to know about batteries


Are you thinking of switching to solar energy to power your home or business?

Our trained team of professional installers is there to assist you through the process, from determining the system you need to getting the best value for your money.....


Send Us A Message

Get In touch for your quote without delay.
+27 78 493 7015
19 Blackpool Rd, Bryanston, Sandton, 2191

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